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The acronym was first conceived from "Global Community Against False Allegations". While we battled against false allegations, we realized that false assertions by MSM played the biggest role in the exponential rate of Falsehood in society. Hence, the Community operates by all three acromyms: Global Community Against False Allegations, Global Community Against False Assertions, and Global Community Against False Assertions and Allegations. What interpretion of GCAFA we use depends on which epidemic is a priority in the country where we operate.

For example, in the U.S. where False Allegations is already an epidemic, our main focus is fighting False Allegations. On the other hand, in other countries like Malaysia, the fight has been to prevent the lower frequency of False Allegations from becoming an epidemic. Relatively, we are battling against victim-mentality most often instilled on people by externally funded NGOs that have been proven to eventually morph into an epidemic of False Allegations.
We have five main stages of focus.

  1. Preventive

    Proactive countering of MSM false statistics and false assertions that serve to promote the victim mentality that leads to false allegations, as well as creating awareness to prevent people from becoming victims of these falsehoods. We also offer direct advice to persons who suspect they might be targets or potential targets for a false accusation.

  2. Reactive/Responsive

    This area focuses on persons who have fallen hostage to false accusations, especially at the early stages. Depending on location of the accused and the medium of the accusation,, we offer legal advice, and in some cases, direct intervention and private investigations. The ultimate objective is to release the hostage from the false accusation

  3. Accountability

    Whether the focus above succeeds or not, the false accuser(s), law-enforcement and the entire justice system that operate as an instrumental unit against the falsely accused are often not held accountable for the consequences suffered by the hostage of the accusation. GCAFA not only fights for due process for the accused but we also create avenues through which false accusers, law-enforcement and the system could be accountable

  4. Aftermath Support

    Whatever the outcome of a false allegations, it is not easy, and sometimes not possible, for the person(s) negtively affected by the allegations to move on. Often at times they incur unforseen expenses to fight the allegations and then they're finally off the hook, there is neither remedy to the process nor compensation to the affected persons. Some times the only way is to counter-sue the false accuser or the state. In any case, we support the falsely accused with whatever options they choose to move forward

  5. Reformative

    At the state and federal levels false allegations are still not considered to be a major problem in our society. In fact, state and federal polcies have made the problem wore by weaponizing the justice system in favor of potential false accusers. Through our research, we educate legislators on the wider effects of false assertions and allegations to obtain tougher penalties for false accusers

By Donating, you help thousands of innocent people across the world to prevent or escape the hostility of false allegations through our awareness programs, free legal advisory, research work, private investigations, direct intervention as well as our efforts to deter false accusers by publically exposing false victimhood cases that we believe were maliciously conceived. We also work in the shadows to push legislation against false accusers and their accomplices. See a few of our projects and cases.
The simple answer is NO. Your donation goes to a Global Community doing the work to fight against false allegations. As such, we are not restricted to tax policies of any particular geographic location.
Our fight is inspired by a moral duty to leave a better society for our next generation. That said, we do not work with churches or similar organizations as we believe they have become too mainstream and loyal to the source of the problem. Simply put, their interests do not align with ours.

However, we work with lawfirms and individual lawyers around the world with experience in defending the framed and the falsely accused. We also work with independent media and goodwill anonymous members of law-enforcement in our private investigations and to expose false victims and unfair practices like due process violations against the falsely accused.
Yes. Besides donating, Subscribing on Patreon or simply Buying Us Coffee, you can do the following to support the cause:

  • Spread the word
    To help prevent people from being falsely accused or help those who already are, inform them about GCAFA

  • Join us on Social Media
    You can follow GCAFA on our new Twitter handle, join our new facebook group and share with us any new false allegation situation in your country that you think we should look into. You can also follow Fictims on Twitter and Facebook if you're interested in False Victims Story Updates

  • Share Your Personal Story
    If you had been falsely accused and successfully beaten a false allegation against you, share your story with us. Every case counts within our research community

  • Offer Your Professional Services
    If you are a goodwill lawyer experienced in defending the falsely accused, please reach out to us with your past cases. You are a potential member of this community.

    Similarly, if you are a law-enforcement officer who sees the injustice done to the falsely accused and you know it is wrong but your hands are tied, you are valuable to this community. Please reach out to us and share information. We will keep your identity strictly anonymous.

  • Refer Goodwill Professionals
    If you know a lawyer experienced in defending the falsely accused, please refer them to us. They are a potential member of this community

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